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So far Corporate Marketing has created 38 blog entries.

PD Dr. rer. nat. Jörg Meister


PD Dr. rer. nat. Jörg Meister Lecturer M.Sc. Periodontology Since more than 30 years that lasers have been established in dentistry, the use of this technology shows its wide variety in the areas of diagnostics, like caries detection or in therapeutic applications such as endodontics, cavity preparation, soft tissue surgery and of course in periodontics. But the basic knowledge about this technology is the requirement for a successful laser treatment. My name is Jörg Meister, I am Physicist and the technical director of the "Center of Applied Medical Laser Research and Biomedical Optics (abbr. AMLaReBO)" at Bonn University. with [...]

PD Dr. rer. nat. Jörg Meister2022-12-20T11:23:51+01:00
  • Prof. Andreas Braun

Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. dent. Andreas Braun


Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. dent. Andreas Braun Scientific Director M.Sc. Periodontology My name is Andreas Braun. I am the Director and Chair of the Clinic for Operative Dentistry, Periodontology and Preventive Dentistry at the University Hospital RWTH Aachen. I am in charge of the Master’s program in Periodontology, which is offered by my clinic in cooperation with the RWTH International Academy under the umbrella of the Rhenish Westphalian Technical University, or RWTH Aachen for short. In addition, I also design individual modules of the course together with many renowned colleagues. I myself have been working in both the clinical and [...]

Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. dent. Andreas Braun2022-11-14T16:19:41+01:00

Dr. med. dent. Stefan Grümer


Dr. med. dent. Stefan Grümer Lecturer M.Sc. Periodontology Since 2012 Dr. Stefan Grümer is teaching as a scientific and academic co-worker for clinical laser applications at AALZ, Aachen Dental Education Center, RWTH Aachen University and as well is taking the duties of a clinical director of AICMed Aachen, Institute for Continuous Medical and Dental Education in Aachen, Germany in cooperation with AALZ and RWTH Aachen University. He has published in national and international dental journals in the fields of Periodontology, Laser dentistry, Implantology and CAD/CAM supported dentistry. You will meet him in module 8 'Lasers in Periodontal Therapy'. [...]

Dr. med. dent. Stefan Grümer2022-11-14T16:19:57+01:00
  • PD Dr. Felix Krause

Prof. Dr. med. dent. Felix Krause, MME


Prof. Dr. med. dent. Felix Krause, MME Lecturer M.Sc. Periodontology For many years and at several university locations, I have been enthusiastically involved in the education of students and dentists. My main focus is on teaching preventive dentistry, operative dentistry and periodontology. In doing so, I always try to emphasise that not only the knowledge of the theoretical background as well as dental skills are important for long-term tooth preservation, but also communication with the patient is crucial. I look forward to meeting you as a participant in this Master's programme in modules two and five! Curriculum Vitae [...]

Prof. Dr. med. dent. Felix Krause, MME2022-12-20T11:22:34+01:00
  • Prof. Stefan Wolfart

Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. dent. Stefan Wolfart


Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. dent. Stefan Wolfart Lecturer M.Sc. Periodontology My name is Prof. Stefan Wolfart and I am Head and Chair of the Clinic of Prosthodontics and Biomaterials, Center for Implantology at the University Hospital Aachen (RWTH-Aachen). Dental implantology and implant prosthodontics have been my primary areas of clinical activity for many years. Main areas of research, apart from implantology and implant prosthodontics, include dental esthetics, the clinical performance of new all-ceramic materials, and their associated improvement in quality of life. In 2014 the Quintessence Publishing published my textbook “Implant Prosthodontics – A Patient-Oriented Concept”. It is available in [...]

Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. dent. Stefan Wolfart2022-11-14T16:20:30+01:00
  • Prof. Georg Conrads

Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Georg Conrads


Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Georg Conrads Lecturer M.Sc. Periodontology I was always fascinated by the power and importance of microbes: their contribution to evolution, to the circle of elements and life, to the production of tasty food and drinks and, last but not least, to health & disease. To understand microorganisms is both, my profession and passion. Graduated as biologist, practiced in clinical microbiology and educated in theoretical dentistry,  I contributed to science and practice with a few hundreds of papers, reviews, book-chapters, lectures, but also marketed diagnostic products. Thereby, about half of my life’s output addressed periodontology. Being [...]

Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Georg Conrads2022-11-14T16:20:43+01:00
  • Dr. Johannes-Simon Wenzler

Dr. med. dent. Johannes-Simon Wenzler


Dr. med. dent. Johannes-Simon Wenzler Lecturer M.Sc. Periodontology My name is Johannes-Simon Wenzler. I am Senior doctor and lecturer in the Clinic for Restorative Dentistry, Periodontology and Preventive Dentistry at the University Hospital RWTH Aachen. You will get to know me at the latest within Module 5: Aesthetics, Function and Emergency Management and Module 8: Lasers in Periodontal Therapy with some of my very appreciated colleagues. I myself have been working in the clinical and scientific field for a few years, with a lot of passion, especially in the field of endodontology and periodontology, and I am focusing on [...]

Dr. med. dent. Johannes-Simon Wenzler2022-11-14T16:36:18+01:00
  • Prof. Reiner Mengel

Prof. Dr. med. dent. Reiner Mengel


Prof. Dr. Reiner Mengel Lecturer M.Sc. Periodontology When you have been working in dentistry for over 30 years, you realize that periodontology should be the basis of all disciplines in dentistry. In periodontal treatment, the most important treatment goal is tooth preservation and the establishment of inflammation-free soft tissue. This also applies to implants, which are increasingly used as a prosthetic restoration in many patients. In order to achieve these goals, a biologically oriented scientific training is necessary, which must be combined with the learning of manual skills. This interdependent theoretical and practical training is the prerequisite for the [...]

Prof. Dr. med. dent. Reiner Mengel2022-11-14T16:21:14+01:00

Prof. Dr. med. dent. Nicole Arweiler


Prof. Dr. med. dent. Nicole Arweiler Lecturer M.Sc. Periodontology My name is Nicole Arweiler. I am the Director and Chair of the Department (and Clinic) of Periodontology and Peri-Implant Diseases at Dental School and Hospital, Philipps University of Marburg. I have been clinically working and researching in the area of preventive dentistry and periodontology for 25 years now. My personal focus is on biofilm management (supra- and subgingival as well as home-care and professional) which is elementary both for prevention, therapy and maintenance care of periodontal and peri-implant diseases. In this context, I was (leadingly) involved in different national [...]

Prof. Dr. med. dent. Nicole Arweiler2022-11-14T16:21:37+01:00