Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Georg Conrads
Lecturer M.Sc. Periodontology
I was always fascinated by the power and importance of microbes: their contribution to evolution, to the circle of elements and life, to the production of tasty food and drinks and, last but not least, to health & disease. To understand microorganisms is both, my profession and passion. Graduated as biologist, practiced in clinical microbiology and educated in theoretical dentistry, I contributed to science and practice with a few hundreds of papers, reviews, book-chapters, lectures, but also marketed diagnostic products. Thereby, about half of my life’s output addressed periodontology. Being part of the M.Sc. Periodontology faculty it is my ultimate goal to share knowledge and passion with you as participants. I am excited to welcome you in any virtual room and in real here in Aachen, a thrilling place to be in the heart of Europe.